
Robotic systems joint project office
Robotic systems joint project office

robotic systems joint project office

  • Design and fabrication: The design and fabrication of soft material robotic systems involves considerations regarding, e.g.
  • Material engineering: The development of new functional soft materials with corresponding fabrication processes and application-oriented material design and characterisation.
  • Within the scope of the second funding period, the characteristics and principles found in soft material robotic systems should be explored, highlighting the intrinsic compliance of the materials and the additional integrated functionalities such as actuation, sensing and morphing capabilities through the following research areas: Research in the Priority Programme should help to harness the power of the soft paradigm and make it accessible, leading to the development of more flexible and adaptable robotic systems. The Priority Programme seeks to reveal the advantage of the shift from stiff to soft robot designs in an interdisciplinary context.

    #Robotic systems joint project office software#

    One of the potential advantages of soft robots is the inherent morphological computation that decreases control complexity and leads to shared tasks of the hard- and software blurring the strict distinction between both.

    robotic systems joint project office

    Despite its tremendous potential, the paradigm shift from stiff to soft materials presents significant challenges from design and fabrication to modelling and controlling robotic systems. The intrinsic compliance allows soft material robots to undergo substantial deformations and safely conform to and interact with their environment. These materials also tend to be highly stretchable, being able to withstand strains of several hundred percent. materials whose Young’s modulus is in the order of 10 4–10 9 Pa. In contrast to extrinsically soft robots, in which compliance is achieved through mechanism design and control, soft material robots consist predominantly of intrinsically compliant materials, i.e. The emergence of soft material robotic systems has been fueled by a paradigm shift in the design of robotic systems. The present call invites proposals for the second three-year funding period. The programme is designed to run for six years.

    robotic systems joint project office

    In 2017, the Senate of the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG, German Research Foundation) established the Priority Programme “Soft Material Robotic Systems” (SPP 2100).

    Robotic systems joint project office